The Golden Girls Top 5 Gayest Moments Planet Pop Culture Blog

Rocket's Top 5 Gayest The Golden Girls Moments

The Golden Girls originally aired from September 14, 1985, to May 9, 1992. We were riveted to the tube immediately recognizing the cultural impact even then the ladies would have on popular culture. A household of sassy middle-aged women, having relationships, wearing fashionable clothing (at the time, lol) and throwing sassy zingers left and right. Although many love them, the gay community embraced them and has for over 30+ years now. To this day I actually sleep with The Golden Girls on for they are comfort, they are nostalgia, they are legends. They are the best sellers in my gallery and I thank them for being my friend.

Rocket's Top 5 Gayest The Golden Girls Moments - 

1. Dorothy has a sassy cater waiter let her know how it is regrading the down fall of his cheese puffs. - Sophia's Wedding: Part 1 Season 4, Episode 6

2. I took an 84 year old woman and made her look like a 64 year old drag queen... then I said to myself, "Blanche, too much rouge" - Girls Just Want To Have Fun ... Then They Die Season 6, Episode 10

3. Dorothy: Hey you punk... you want to fight with somebody, you fight with me but I warn you I did time in Attica.  Hooker: Attica's a men's prison! Dorothy: I Know! I was there a year before they found out. - Ladies Of The Evening  Season 2 Episode 2

4. Sophia: Jean thinks she's in love with Rose! Blanche: Rose! Jean has the hots for Rose? I DON'T BELIEVE IT! I DON"T BELIEVE IT! Dorothy: I was pretty surprised myself. Blanche: Well, I Bet! To think Jean would prefer Rose over me, that's ridiculous! - Isn't It Romantic  Season 2 Episode 5

5. Sophia: This question is directed to Dorothy's lover. Do people treat you differently because you're a lesbian? Blanche: Well, most people don't know. Sophia: Really? I would've guessed right off. Sophia: Next question to Dorothy. What kind of pain and embarrassment has this lifestyle caused your mother? Dorothy: I really don't know, but I'll ask her tomorrow when I visit her at the home. Sophia: No more questions. - Season 7 Episode 14 

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Love the girl’s!!


LOL, I literally laughed out loud readying these.

Samual R.

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